Hello! So, if you have ever used Adobe After Effects, you know it is a really powerful program. It is so powerful, in fact, that you can use it for decades and still learn new tips, tricks and workflows that...
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Check out this amazing shot by shot breakdown of how Video Co-Pilot created some really impressive visual effects. Using Green screens, After Effects, Cinema 4D and some creativity, these guys make a scene that holds up to nearly anything you...
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Adobe just announced a few new features in Adobe Premiere Pro and they are looking pretty good. For one, you will soon be able to import more 4k and 8k content from RED and other video cameras. If these files...
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So this is pretty cool, Adobe is adding the capability to edit 360 degree video natively inside Adobe Premiere Pro. What does this mean? Basically, more thematic stories can be told through VR and the ability to edit, add sound,...
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