New Closed Captioning Mandates for 2016 & 2017

New closed captioning mandates (US Only) are coming to the internet from the FCC and you may need to take notice if your content is currently being shows on US TV.
Here is an excerpt:
Full-length internet video programming
Full-length Internet video programming must be captioned if the programming is shown on TV in the U.S. with captions on or after the following dates:
- September 30, 2012, for prerecorded programming that is not "edited for Internet distribution." "Edited for Internet distribution" means the TV version has been substantially edited. Examples of substantial edits are deleting scenes or altering musical scores. Changing the number or duration of commercials is not considered substantial editing.
March 30, 2013, for live and near-live programming.
- "Live programming" is defined as programming that is shown on TV substantially simultaneously with its performance.
- "Near-live programming" is defined as programming that is performed and recorded less than 24 hours before it was first shown on TV.
- September 30, 2013, for prerecorded programming that is substantially edited for Internet distribution.
Internet video clips
Internet video clips must be captioned if the associated programming is shown on TV in the U.S. with captions on or after the following dates:
- January 1, 2016, where the video clip contains a single excerpt of a captioned TV program with the same video and audio that was shown on TV ("straight lift" clips).
- January 1, 2017, where a single file contains multiple straight lift video clips ("montages").
July 1, 2017, for video clips of live and near-live TV programming (such as news or sporting events).
- For clips of live programming, up to a 12-hour delay is permitted in posting a captioned clip after the programming has been shown on TV.
- For clips of near-live programming, up to an 8-hour delay is permitted in posting a captioned clip after the programming has been shown on TV.
You can find more info at