How do I smooth skin in FCP?
One thing that can make or break a video production is good quality video with a compelling presenter. We found this video tutorial on how to smooth skin in post production using Final Cut Pro helpful and we hope you do too!
Video Transcript:
Back with another final Good Friday, a series of 60 second videos of useful Final Cut Pro & Tricks. I'm going to teach you how to go from this to this with no plug ins, just simple tools already built into Final Cut Pro!
Go into your effects tab, click blur and drag blur onto your clip. Drag the amount to zero. For now, click the mask button and choose Add color mask. If you have never used this, I suggest checking out my video on skin tones, which I'll link in the description.
I show how to use it more in-depth, basically click view mask and we’ll drag the skin of a talent with this dropper for a selection.
Next, we'll adjust our selection by playing with the parameters down here. Generally, we just want our talent skin selected, try and make it white while keeping their eyes and eyebrows, lips, etc. black.
It may not always be perfect. In that case, the blur may extend to areas that may not look great once the selection is made. Click View Mask again and adjust the amount of the blur. Generally, only a couple of points will do.
You don't want to overdo it. If I helped you out, it would mean a lot if you let me know if I did in the comments and make sure to subscribe if you have not already. I will see you guys next week!
Have a good one!