22 Super Helpful Adobe After Effects Tricks!
At VirtualSetLab, we are all about finding new ways to speed up our workflow when we are working on a new animation project. One of the ways we keep up with work flow techniques is by watching tutorial videos. Even after using After Effects for over 10 years, there are a few tips in the video below that we found helpful! We hope you enjoy it!
1. Shift+Parenting Behavior at 0:33
2. Layer Selection at 1:35
3. Go to Visible Item in the Timeline (J, and K) at 2:24
4. Reveal Properties (U, and UU) at 3:09
5. Paste Layers at Current Time (CTRL+ALT+V) at 3:50
6. Close Other Timeline Panels at 4:52
7. Find Missing Footage, Effects, or Fonts at 5:19
8. Reveal in Explorer at 6:06
9. Copy with Property Links (CTRL+ALT+C) at 6:37
10. Center Anchor Point (CTRL+ALT+HOME) at 9:01
11. Center in View (CTRL+HOME) at 9:56
12. Fit to Comp (CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+H, CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+G, and CTRL+ALT+F) at 10:43
13. Flexible Masking Options at 11:37
14. Bezier Paths for Shape Layers at 13:30
15. Reveal in Timeline at 14:48
16. Default Render Setting (CTRL+Click on Render Preset) at 15:17
17. Set Work Area to Duration of Selected Layers (CTRL+ALT+B) at 16:17
18. Delete All Effects from Selected Layers (CTRL+SHIFT+E) at 16:47
19. Turn Off All Other Solo Switches (CTRL+Click on Solo) at 17:32
20. Reset Rotation and Scale at 17:54
21. RAM Preview with Alternate Settings (Shift+0) at 18:31
22. Live Text Templates for Premiere Pro at 19:36