
If you want a green screen in your house, you can paint a wall a bright green (flat) paint or purchase a green or blue cloth to tape up. But, if you want to create a portable chrome key screen...
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Looking to create a green screen background that doesn't break the bank? Consider using some common materials and build one yourself. You can even save money on lighting by shooting outdoors (the sunlight it actually a great way to light...
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While editing in youtube isn't the work flow most editors use constalty, it does have the ability to save time and effort on some minimal tasks. You can trim, cut and edit clips, but did you know you can also...
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New closed captioning mandates (US Only) are coming to the internet from the FCC and you may need to take notice if your content is currently being shows on US TV. Here is an excerpt: Full-length internet video programming Full-length...
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Probably the most famous facebook live streamer would have to be the Chewbacca Mask Lady: But, now, you too can stream live to facebook using Wirecast! The capability has just been added which allows you to create a live stream...
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